How to Get Shiny Hair with Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo and Conditioner

Hair trends come and go but one thing that never goes out of style is shiny, silky-looking hair. Today, it is easy to make your hair look shiny and smooth on your Instagram photos and social media profiles, with so many photo editing apps that do the magic. In reality, achieving a natural sheen in your hair is not as easy, especially for those women who like to change hairstyles often. Frequent blow-drying, straightening or hair coloring can make your hair look dry and dull.

Still, there are ways to get shiny hair that include healthy hair products and a consistent hair care routine. One of the most common methods in restoring the shine in hair naturally is the apple cider vinegar hair rinse. This is because the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar balances the ph level of your scalp  and hair shaft causing your hair to look more healthy and shiny with time. However, there are downsides in practicing the acv hair rinse at home. You have to mix the vinegar with water, have a spray bottle to spritz or massage this mixture into scalp and be ready for your hair to smell like vinegar after you rinse it off with water.

Phillip Adam Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo and Conditioner products are formulated to the same beneficial effect to hair using nutritive powers of apple cider vinegar in combination with equally clean, plant-based ingredients. The Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo is suitable for all heads of hair, virgin or colored and leaves the hair squeaky clean and shiny. Its complementary, Apple Cider Vinegar Conditioner is a perfect finishing rinse and a great detangler, making your hair look sleek and smoother than before. Together they make a powerful duo and great product combination for restoring your hair’s natural glow, not to mention the captivating scent of green apples they leave behind.

For those who are not such fans of apple fragrance but still want their hair to be shiny with the help of ACV, there a couple of other scents to choose from such as Orange Vanilla, Verbena Sage and Unscented.

Check out the video below featuring the founder ACV hair care line and learn how to best use Phillip Adam Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo and Conditioner for maximum hair shine.